Congratulations, Vi & Michi !
On the 7th Octorber 2006, we attended Vi & Michi's wedding back in Melbourne. I have to admit that i felt strange to attend someone else's wedding one week after my own. Held in the park in front of the Exhibition Building, it was a short and touching ceremony. When vows were exchanged, i had tears at the corners of my eyes. Knowing Vi for so many years, i have never seen him so gentle and loving with a girl. lucky Michi! Whenver you see the two love birds togeher, they were always holding hands, whispering ( unlike me who always shout at Malcolm ) words of love to each other, as if they just fell in love yesterday. Of course, I have to give credit to Vi for finding such a sweet girl. I can see that she is the type who will go through happiness and sorrows by his side as long as they shall live. Congratulations once again, my friends!

ps: I am not professional photographer here, although i wish i have one of those cameras that the Pros were having on that day, but if you want any of these images, give me a yell.
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